Monday 22 April 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

      It is important to integrate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures into all aspects of learning; they have been left out for far too long.  ACARA adds the cross curricular priorities with regard to geography.  This is split into six sub-categories for this first topic.  One great way to begin would be to compare the “Aboriginal Creation” and the Christian beliefs of creation, for example Gen 2:15 says “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and keep it” (NIV) ("Word in Life Bible Contempory English Version", 1998).           

        It is easily integrated when you consider the spiritual significance to the land that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have.  Their connection to the land is different to ours.  Theirs is a “more spiritual, physical, social and cultural connection” ("Meaning of land to Aboriginal people - Creative Spirits", n.d., p. 1).The following link is a site that can easily be used to explain this:  Meaning of the land

         Aboriginal spiritual beliefs are invariably about the land Aboriginal people live on. It is ‘geosophical’ (earth-centered) and not ‘theosophical’ (God-centered) ("What is Aboriginal spirituality? - Creative Spirits", n.d., p.1) The following link:  Spiritual connection to land can be used to enhance your explanations of this.  Another easy was to engage your students on this topic would be by the use of images.
An indigenous painting of the South Western Queensland
/ Northern New South Wales River System

“The principles of caring for Country, caring for each other and respecting the systems embedded in the concepts of Country and Place, People, Culture and Identity, provides opportunities for learners to understand the histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples before settlement and investigate the shared histories and resulting relationships since settlement. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students it provides an opportunity to see themselves within the curriculum in an education setting that respects and promotes their cultural identities and heritage” ("Home | ACARA", n.d., p. 11).

ACARA, (n.d.), Retrieved from
Meaning of land to Aboriginal people - Creative Spirits. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Image: Retrieved from

What is Aboriginal spirituality? - Creative Spirits. (n.d.). Retrieved from

   Word in Life Bible Contempory English Version. (1998). Nashville, USA: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Aboriginal Creation Embedded Video:  

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