Tuesday 23 April 2013

Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia

                                                      Asia Pacific Map by Google Maps

                Asia and Australia are very important to each other for many things.  Australia engages with Asia on the same time zone so business connections are easily maintained.  Australia and Asia are neighbours geographically.  
Asia literate Australians will gain substantial personal and social benefits; be better equipped to make sense of the world they live in, and make an important contribution to building the social, intellectual and creative capital of our nation ("Home | ACARA", n.d., p. 13).
            Matthew 22:39  tells us to Love your neighbour as yourself.’ ("Word in Life Bible Contempory English Version", 1998).  This is evident in the way the Australian Government's overseas aid program is improving the lives of millions of people in developing countries. Australia is working with the governments and people of developing countries to deliver aid where it is most needed and most effective.   Australian aid has helped our neighbors and countries further abroad to develop, and our aid program continues to grow. “For example, Australian aid has wiped out polio from the Pacific. Australian aid has seen more than 1.5 million children immunized against measles and polio in Papua New Guinea.” ("About Australia's aid program", n.d., p. 2)

         “Students can investigate and explore Asian places, and learn about the ways in which 
          Australia and Asia are interconnected. A geographical perspective enables students to 
          study Asia as an important region of the world, as individual countries, as regions within 
          countries, and at the local level.  In particular, geography enables students to learn about 
          the diversity between and within the countries of Asia, and helps to counter stereotypes 
          and to foster intercultural understanding. By examining the characteristics of Asian places
          on these different scales, a study of geography leads to a growing understanding of the
          varied environments, peoples, economies and cultures of Australia’s neighbours. By
          investigating Asian perceptions of the world, students can learn to see that world in different 
          ways” ("Home | ACARA", n.d., p. 13).

About Australia's aid program. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ausaid.gov.au/makediff/Pages/default.aspx
ACARA, (n.d.), Retrieved from http://www.acara.edu.au/verve/_resources/Shape_of_the_Australian_Curriculum_Geography.pdf#search=sustainability
Word in Life Bible Contempory English Version. (1998). Nashville, USA: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Asia Pacific Map by Google Maps: http://apps.americanbar.org/intlaw/committees/asia/asia_pacific_map.jpg
Photo: Jacqueline Smart, AusAID. http://www.ausaid.gov.au/makediff/Pages/default.aspx
Vedio : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrYsQHK-_yw&feature=player_detailpage
Time zones: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/
neighbours geographically: http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/dyn/images/3/2149.jpg
Australian aid: http://www.ausaid.gov.au/makediff/Pages/default.aspx 

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